The two popular gas heaters you will see across Aussie households are flued gas heaters and unflued gas heaters. If you live in a permanent residence, you can install a flued gas heater. However, if you’re living in a rented house or want to avoid the trouble of installing flued, then an unflued or portable …

Are you searching for the perfect indoor gas heater for your home to keep yourself and your family warm and cosy during the winter? At Sydney Plumbing, we not only provide the best indoor gas heaters of the choicest brands such as Rinnai but also provide reliable gas heater service and repairs. In this blog, …

Winter has arrived and we all want to be cosy in the warmth of our homes. Heating solutions are the need of the hour! A gas heater can effortlessly heat a large space speedily and affordably. We will reveal some of the top tips here that will help you to select the best gas heater …

Winter is set to hit our country within a short span, and we’ll be spending more of our time at home than usual. We may observe the drafts and cold leakage relatively more than we have witnessed during the earlier years. Well, heating units don’t have any use for over half of the year, that’s …

The winter chill will soon be setting in and we’ll try to find different ways to beat the cold. Well, gas heaters can be a resourceful and economical way to warm your home during the cooler wintery months. A quality gas heater can be a dependable addition to your home regardless of whether you badly …

Many of us tend to think, “Does a regular gas heater service even required in the first place? Isn’t it a waste of money?” Well, this thinking has led many homeowners to miss an important service just to save some money in the short-term. However, this is not at all a prudent idea and it …

Well, you need to have your gas appliances inspected and cleaned regularly to make sure your gas system and gas appliances’ is safe, operates optimally and has a long life. Certain vital things you need to take care are mentioned below: Warning indicators that you need to handle with care: Peculiar or unusual smells: Natural …